Post 17

Are you there Satan? It's me, Morganne. Well, JC's still super sick. But I appreciate you showing your condolences and all, without fail, regardless of how long he's been in the bathroom for one day. Today he chose you. Not that I thought he'd ever NOT choose you or anything, but I just wanted to allow you to take your bow for the day, since he did put you in front of someone else, per the usual. I couldn't take the nod for a single second longer, so I calmly and soft-spoken said "JC, I told you, two years ago, I will never date a heroin addict again Not because I'm judging you or because I don't love you, I'm just finally different. I'm different." Satan, I told him this too... I said: "I cannot allow someone who is ducked out/slumped over more than 40% of the day and night, to be an everyday view and everyday normalcy for two little boys, watching your every move, good and bad. They're supposed to be learning the ropes of becom...